ISO Zertifikat

Certified Data Migration

High level information security policy.

Spell Partner

Spell and Partnerships

You will find further information on Spell and partnerships here.

Archive software engineers

You wish to concentrate on application migration from the source-archive system to your archive system?

  • For application migration we can provide you with special templates with which the migration parameters can be easily and clearly defined.
  • We coordinate the transfer of the data and information to be migrated with the current archive-system operator.

Is a conversion of the document context necessary before transferring the data and documents from the source-archive system to your archive system?

  • Insofar as unequivocally technically possible, we take care of restructuring and provide you with reports which document the corresponding conversion.

Do you wish to carry out the import of the migrated documents with your standard archive system tools?

  • Define for us the necessary transfer format. Our migration route can be customised to your requirements in no time at all.
  • Under certain circumstances it is possible to provide the migrated data on finished virtual volumes for your archive system, so that only the virtual volumes have to be made compatible to the archive system.
Kontakt aufnehmen


moreen Hotline:
+49 - 721 - 46 47 08 - 26
Migration Hotline:
+49 - 721 - 46 47 08 - 45
Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.



With moreen we offer you a modular, platform-independent solution for the processing of your daily data and document flows.